Crazy Iori

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Crazy Iori

Fighter groups:
Type: DPS
Aptitude: 14

Bear Soul
Increases initial rage by 1000

Permanently increase ATK Increase 7% ATK (level 1)

Fates and Gates

Own Crazy Iori, Billy, Eiji kisaragi: ATK+ 25%
Own Crazy Iori, Orochi, Goenitz, Mature, Vice: ATK+ 25%
File:Orochi Leona f.png
Orochi Leona
Own Crazy Iori, Orochi Leona, Yamazaki: ATK+ 25%
Gates partners
X, X, X

Skill description

Maiden Masher Sacrifice
Passive skill
Increase your own HP drain.

When deployed if your team has Tiger, Snake, Bear and Turtle fight soul increase your whole team RES rate for 1 round.

Increase your own HP drain by 18%(at level 1, each level increases by 0.5%).

Increase all team RES rate by 30% (at level 1, each level increases by 0.1%)

When deployed if your team has Tiger, Snake, Bear and Turtle fight soul increase your whole team RES rate and 20% Anti-crit for 1 round. Increase own Control rate for every aptitude 14 fighter in battle (up to 20%)

Increase your own HP drain by 18%(at level 1, each level increases by 0.5%).

Increase all team RES rate by 30% (at level 1, each level increases by 0.1%)
Dark Thrust

Attack a single enemy causing burning and absorb 200 rage.
Deal 150%+ 8 damage to the target(level 1)

Deal 15%+ 8 burning damage to the target(level 1)
Attack a single enemy causing burning and absorb 200 rage if enemy soul is bearsoul deal 35% extra DMG

Deal 180%+8 damage to the target(level 1)

Deal 15%+8 burning damage to the target(level 1)
Cups of wine
Attack a column absorbing 12% RES rate and reducing 12% DMG rate from the enemy with a 15% chance to stun. If the enemy doesn't have at least 3 different fightsouls increase paralyze chance by an extra 25%.
Deals damage equal to X%+X points to the target column
Attack a column absorbing 18%; RES rate and reducing 18%; DMG rate from the enemy with a 15% chance to stun. If the enemy doesn't have at least 4; different fightsouls increase paralyze chance by an extra 25%.
Deals damage equal to 275%+12 damage to the target column
SMAX (water gate upgrade) Attack a column absorbing 18%; RES rate and reducing 18%; DMG rate from the enemy with a 15% chance to stun. If the enemy doesn't have at least 4; different fightsouls increase stun chanceby an extra 25%.

If own HP is lower than 35% increase lifesteal by 85% (once per match) and change ULT, attack a single target absorbing 20% RES rate & DMG rate with 45% to cause paralyze. Apply "desolation burn" on target, if target dies to ULT apply "desolation burn" to adjacent fighters
Deals damage equal to 300%+264 points to the target column.

Deals damage equal to 462%+924 points to the target.

Striker information

Cups of wine
  • Attribute bonus: (Level 39) +250 ATK + 2750 DEF + 84750 HP
  • Trigger condition: Since 1st round, upon round start if own team has all 4 different types of fightsouls activate aid. Otherwise, after 2 ultimates.
  • Exclusive skill: (requires exclusive skill book "Crazy Blood" at slot 3); Increase own DMG by 9%. If all 4 different types of fightsoul are on own side increase team's crit res by 20% per trigger
Promotion Effect
Green Open 1st aid book slot
Green+1 Reduce DMG & ATK by 10% from target's column for 2 rounds.
Blue Aid Chances +1
Blue+1 Reduce 75 rage from target's column .
Purple Open 2nd aid book slot
Purple+1 Heal a random ally without full HP by 10% of this skill DMG, 15% if all 4 fightsouls exist on own side at trigger.
Purple+2 Reduce DMG & ATK by 15% from target's column for 2 rounds. Advanced striker: Can join the fight round 3.
Orange Open 3rd aid book slot
Orange+1 Reduce 150 rage from target's column if fighter is aptitude 14 or above reduce 200 rage instead.
Orange+2 If own side has all 4 different fightsouls permanently increase aid DMG & ATK by 25%
Orange+3 Improve healing effect to 20%, 30% if all 4 fightsouls exist on own side at trigger. Advanced striker: Can join the fight round 1.
Red Change to Smax. If only 1 fighter is on target column switch to single ULT, ignore block & resistance and reduce 200 rage from target.If all 4 fightsouls exist on own side increase crit rate by 40% at trigger.
Red+1 Damage increased by 20% and Aid Chances + 1